Congressman Guest visits MsRWA Office

On August 20, 2024, Congressman Guest, along with his staff, Jimmie Nichols, Field Representative and Brady Stewart, MS District Director stopped in for a brief visit of the MsRWA Office in Pearl, MS.   Water system Board Members attending the MsRWA Board Member Training got to meet and hear from the Congressman.  We are very thankful for the great job Congressman Guest and his staff is doing for our industry in Washington, DC and for the Great State of MS every day.


Pictured L-R: Randy Turnage-MsRWA Deputy CEO, Congressman Michael Guest, Kirby Mayfield-MsRWA CEO, and Jimmy Nichols-Michael Guest’s Field Representative


Pictured L-R:  Congressman Michael Guest & Kirby Mayfield-MsRWA CEO